Restoration of Cannon Carriages at Oak Hill Cemetery
The John W. Foster Camp No. 2 of the Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War is excited to announce the launch of a significant restoration project at Oak Hill Cemetery. We will be restoring two cannon carriages, an effort that preserves an important piece of our shared history.

In collaboration with the University of Southern Indiana (USI), we have secured two contracts to build the first carriage. The first contract, valued at $500, covers cutting the pieces, while the second, worth $2,000, is for welding the carriage together. This phased approach ensures continuous progress while we raise the necessary funds.
Despite initial setbacks in securing donated materials, we have obtained the required metal from Wright Steel at a cost of $200. To kickstart the project, this expense has been personally covered, allowing us to deliver the metal to USI promptly. Our immediate goal is to raise $500 to begin cutting the pieces, with subsequent funds directed toward welding and assembly.
We are also applying for a $2,500 grant from the SUVCW Charitable Foundation, thanks to the efforts of Brother Tim Beckman.
We are grateful for the support already shown by our members. Brother Brian Lankford’s contribution to the CAD development for USI is highly appreciated. For those who wish to contribute financially to this worthy cause, donations can be sent to:
Eric Sprouls
5225 Valeah Dr.
Wadesville, IN 47638
Please make checks payable to “John Foster Camp #2 SUVCW” and include “Cannon Carriage” in the memo line to ensure proper allocation of funds. The estimated total cost for each carriage is around $7,000, significantly less than the $18,000 to $20,000 quoted for new aluminum carriages.
As a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, donations to the John W. Foster Camp and SUVCW are tax-deductible. For further inquiries, please contact us directly.
Thank you for your continued support in preserving our heritage.